Reduce GHG emission within scope 3

98% of hummel's GHG emissions stem from scope 3 of the GHG protocol and 94% of these emissions are related to our materials, the manufacturing processes and transportation of our products, and the usage phase.

The use of materials with a lower environmental footprint plays a major role in meeting our scope 3 target. We are therefore continuously increasing the usage of organic and recycled fibers, as research has shown that these fibers are likely emitting less CO2 than conventional and virgin fibers (this claim can be contested, our climate accounts consultants support it).

In relation to the emissions created by our manufacturers when producing our products, it is all about supplier engagement and open dialogue. We drive conversations with our suppliers about renewable energy sources, energy efficient machinery, recycling policies and similar initiatives. Many of our suppliers are already making moves in this direction as they too understand the necessity and urgency of converting traditional practices to more responsible practices.

hummel Company Karma

The illustration shows a breakdown of scope 3 emissions by percentage. It is clear that out purchased goods and services along with the use of our products make up the bulk of our emissions.